It’s hard to feel protected and prepared in today’s world, especially when trying to travel amidst a global pandemic. From masks, to hand sanitizer, there are countless things to keep on hand at all times to keep you and your loved ones feeling safe and secure. Using healthy travel gear when taking a journey of any size is the best way to keep yourself safe. There are no shortage of travel accessories made for life with the pandemic, but what are the best ones to look into? We’ve compiled a list of our favorite healthy travel hacks, so you can see why we love them and how they’ll help keep you safe.
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Mask Purifying Spray
We all know keeping a face-covering mask is the best way to keep yourself and those around you safe when out of the house, but do you know that keeping that mask clean and pure is just as important as wearing it? Using a mask purifying spray can help you keep your mask clean no matter where you are, without a washing machine. It’s as easy as removing the mask upon returning home (or your hotel room or wherever you are staying), spraying the mask down, letting it day fully, and reuse! It’s that easy to ensure your face mask is clean and ready to protect you from unwanted outside bacteria.
I Know It’s Obvious, But a Quality Face Mask
We are supposed to wear them whenever we leave the house, so why not find a quality, comfortable face mask? When finding a good, reliable face mask, there are a few key attributes that you want to look for. Comfortability, can you wear it all day comfortably? Is it soft on your skin, and does it fit well enough? Cleanliness, is it a material that can be easily washed? Is the fabric antimicrobial? These are all factors that should go into looking for a face mask for healthy travel, and chances are if a mask has these qualities it will be a long-lasting healthy travel tool. With something as small but important as a face mask, finding the perfect fit for you that will keep you the most protected as possible.
Touchless Doors, Pin-pads, Touchscreens, and Beyond
There are so many things in our world that we have to physically touch to get through, and in a pandemic world, it’s hard to know how to make it through these situations safely and cleanly. Have you ever heard of a G key? It’s a lightweight keychain that makes navigating the pandemic riddled world safer for you and those around you. Use it as a touchless door opener, it has a hook the perfect size to grab a door handle, and allow you to turn it for easy entering and exiting. It features a stylus tip, for touchless pin pad usage, or touch screen signing. This one small and lightweight device can help keep you safe in numerous travel situations and makes one amazing stocking stuffer for friends and loved ones.
Sanitize Your Hands Without Compromising on Moisture
Keeping a good hand sanitizer locked and loaded has been a normal part of life this past year, and now that we are getting into the colder months we may be seeing the dryness left behind from the constant cleansing. All Good hand sanitizer keeps your hands clean while protecting and moisturizing your skin, so you can have the best of both worlds. This is the perfect hand sanitizer to keep on hand when traveling near or far and makes a lovely gift for the holidays. Made with all-natural ingredients, using glycerine and aloe to keep your skin silky smooth while cleansing and protecting from germs.