How Has Virtual Reality Influenced our Daily Lives?

How Has Virtual Reality Influenced our Daily Lives?

Significant progress has been made in virtual and augmented reality technologies. Many industries are benefitting by using these technologies, yet they are still to reach their full potential in ways they can upgrade the industry processes. Virtual reality uses computer technology to create a virtual environment and humans are set inside to give them an immersive experience, whereas augmented reality uses a real-world setting and enhances it through virtual images, sounds, and effects. A high-speed internet connection like Spectrum Internet offers is required to run the AR and VR processes smoothly.

Types of Virtual Reality

Virtual reality is further subdivided into various categories which have their distinct features and are used in different processes. These subcategories of virtual realities have impacted the present and will play a vital role in shaping the future.

Non-Immersive Virtual Reality

This type of virtual reality is computer-based and only a part of this software can be controlled by the user without making changes in the whole virtual environment. For example, users may be able to make changes to certain activities and characters whereas the major part of the game remains unchanged.

Immersive technology is not only confined to large desktop computers, it can also be used on laptops as well as mobiles. As users prefer mobility, hence software engineers and manufacturers are driven to design the latest software for cellular and small devices.

Fully Immersive Virtual Reality

Fully Immersive technology is referred to when a real person is placed inside a virtual environment using essential hardware like body connectable, headgear, gloves, and sense detectors. All of these things help you get the real feel, as though you are present in the virtual field and experiencing everything in real-time. VR can sense your reactions and emotions.

This type of virtual reality is expensive and is carried out in a small room with all the essential equipment required.

Semi-Immersive Virtual Reality

Semi-immersive virtual reality combines features of both fully immersive and non-immersive virtual realities. With the use of a computer or a headset, you can roam about in virtual reality as though you are a part of it. Everything happening in VR will be as if it is happening to you.

Collaborative Virtual Reality

This type of VR enables users from different parts of the world to interact with each other using their avatars. These people are in the same VR environment at the same time and can work together on a task or play together or against each other as teams.

Applications of Virtual Reality

  • VR can be used in the educational field to conduct virtual field trips and excursions.
  • It helps educate and train medical personnel by putting them in various virtual emergency situations.
  • It is highly useful in the tourism industry as people take a virtual tour of the place they are planning on visiting before finalizing the trip.
  • Entertainment Industry uses it to make people experience sci-fi, 3D movies, and animation in real time
  • Soldiers use VR to practice operations in the battlefield
  • Automotive Industry makes use of virtual reality to design new models virtually without having to waste resources on samples.
  • VR is also influencing the shopping industry and creating softwares where users will be able to try on products before buying. With the help of scanning technology that scans the body structure and users can choose dresses that best match their body shape and size.

Benefits of Virtual Reality

Better User Experience

VR enhances customer experience as it provides a detailed 3D review of products before they make a purchase.

5 Ways VR Is Being Transformed Into Everyday LifeLimecube

Customer Retention

Brands using virtual reality are ranked high among customer preferences, they improve customer retention and increase brand loyalty.


VR-based technology enables companies to design products virtually which reduces the cost of prototyping and enables more creativity and experimenting.

Less Expensive

The use of VR technology enables employers to use cost-effective training methods.


VR enables users to collaborate in the virtual world using headsets. This is highly useful for remote employees and collaborating with teams from different parts of the world.


Once VR is well incorporated into the business systems, it enables cost reduction and increased efficiency which leads to an increase in ROI.

Augmented Reality

Augmented reality takes the real-world environment and enhances it with computer graphics. It enables interaction between users and virtual entities.

Difference between Virtual and Augmented Reality












Virtual Reality





Artificial Reality








Completely Virtual



Partially Virtual








Commanded by the system



Commanded by the users











No gadgets required








Self-invented reality



Real and self-invented reality








Requires cables and electric connections



Completely mobile and free of hindrances


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